Tubes For Giving Different Words Back


Humans Pursue The Terminated Durable Construction

German Verbal Additive Desk [QP] - A man has the manufacturer of the thrust of health beverages pursues more to demand the added Vitamingetränk it a construction gave, would not lower themselves and it caused to a hospital to be in-supplied.

The process said of Christopher Woods of New York classified that it drank the nourishing beverage bought, which was made for pharmaceutical at one on 5 June 2004-Apotheke by Novartis GESELLSCHAFTSAG and it.

The papers of the yard of from wood emphasize that it woke the following morning "with a construction, which would not lower itself" and the treatment searched the day for the condition with the designation priapism the grave.

They say the woods, 29, the surgery for the establishment of a winter even resistance experienced, which shifts the blood of a range on the other hand.

The deceased Monday classified process, emphasizes that the woods later had the problems, which a hospital attendance and embolization a Arteriepenile required a kind of the blood vessels of the locking. The locking except one prevents some blood paragraph the blockage and decreases the probability of a construction.

The process of from wood, which looks for spezifierte damage, Novartis Consumer Health Inc. calls. as a defendant. A swung speaker for the society, said Robinson, the fact that Tuesday the society is conscious from the process but does not make their remarks over the open law case.

The attorney of from forest has the telephone calls for the comment did not refer Tuesday.

The thrust of Novartis plus the location Web describes the beverage as "large sample, high calorie, nutritionnellement complete verbal additive for the persons, those the additional energy and the protein at limited volume needs in vanilla, chocolate and strawberry."

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