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The New Symbol Fired Regarding Radiation Danger in Order to Warn Air

Seoul [DPW Press Release]
The green onion and the skull and the figure which intersects thigh temper 2 and the person whom it operates is introduced radiates, the traditional international for new ion anger radiation warning symbolic radiation symbol, in order to supplement the claw [pe] which puts out 3 corners.

New symbol in compliance with the International Atomic Energy Agency and the international standardization organization (ISO) a necessity in a big radioactive origin and from the exposure which is accidental there not to be to die and the fact that it diminishes the injury which is serious and in order, it is fired today. It to the claw [pe] which is not intuitional meaning and a little approval to their over there which is educated from it meaning will serve with a supplement warning.

"Me in order to improve the safety of nuclear application the new standard receives and in compliance with the government and the enterprise to admit it comes and the international of the professional technique which two organized whole is specific the approval, protection of the people and environment,” Eliana Amaral leader and the radiation which it talks, transportation and wasteful safety and the division of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the point will be applied guaranteeing Ms.

Ion anger radiation big origin, result of 5 year project which is commanded from the whole world-wide 11 nations almost guards against a troublesome army song, the new symbol was aimed humanity and justice latent dangerously from which place all. The symbol was the population group - mixture age, the educational background which is various, in order to guarantee the male and the woman - it message of many kinds “danger was examined - far”, all in compliance with be clear and multi understand and stay.

"Us regarding can´t radiation Carolyn Mac Kenzie where” it teaches the world, “it talks the International Atomic Energy Agency radiation specialist the fact that it will develop a symbol, we regarding the origin which is dangerous for the price of the sticker to warn the people, are good.”

Human factor specialists developed, the graphic artist new symbol and the radiation protection specialist in total of 1 in compliance with Gallup academic societies, Brazil, Mexico, Morocco, Republic of Kenya, Saudi Arabia and China, 650 name individuals who in Poland, Ukraine and the United States the [tu] which is a humanity and a tie, are were examined.

Symbols die or the injury which is serious, hazard it was prearranged teletherapy machine the International Atomic Energy Agency type for 1 which is defined in the origin which is dangerous is the possibility about under including of doing a food irradiation system, 2 and 3 origin and a cancer treatment and an industrial autoradiography unit all. The symbol does not disjoint a system, in order not to become in order to be what to be nearer with warning origin, [yu] [swuk] they are two things in the system which it does. It the fact that who disjoints a system and it is not visible [anh] it is a thing in the lower part of normal use, only. Symbol will not have the building inspection window, a transportation packing or the cone reel to you.

"The new ion anger radiation warning symbol (ISO 21482) the International Atomic Energy Agency and between ISO is up-to-date successful result of the cooperation which is continued long. We one symbol´s in the international communities encourage the employment which is quick,” the egg LAN Bryden which talks ISO executive secretaries.

Many original manufacture it sleeps and in order to use a symbol in the origin which is big it plans. Existence the strategy which applies a symbol in big origin is developed in compliance with the International Atomic Energy Agency.

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