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The Republic of Pakistan Yearly Misconduct Banking Goes Round As Fatality

Korean Kite Council [QP] - The annual yearly banking which is to eastern piece Republic of Pakistan died at least 11 name people and it let to leave.

After their throat is cut with the metal yearly string, the civil official something to say 2 died. To make with the wire, or, to cut, it damages a different year the fact that in order the chain of the competitor, or, in frosted glass the mouth at any time the yearly flyer use string.

The banking also air conduit was fired with the fire which it is congratulated ticket at any time. 5 name people died in compliance with the bullet which deflects after hitting the target.

2 name people when the fact that it will solve a year from the high-voltage line above the head were executed with the death chair.

2 the different person got off from the roof. The thing pursed the year when it deflects and it was a boy. Also different one it was a woman to attempt the fact that after year it stops her son from good season. The police uses one yearly string sharply and the total it fires, this year for it arrested the people above 700 people during banking. The civil official also it talks above 280 it seized the weapon which illegally it catches the thing.

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